Neocities Anniversary

8/15/23 1:17PM

On the 13th this month was my first anniversary on Neocities! Though it feels like just yesterday I finally got into the groove. Well, that's like most things I get into seriously. I have my firct hiccup, but even if that causes some distance, I will come back to it stronger than ever. Not only do I have solutions to old problems, it's paved the road into my brain that can think of all the cool webpage ideas I've had in the past! Some of them seem boring or very advanced now, but because of my current interests, I have even newer ideas. That's the magic of it all, right? That's why I'm happy that I've finally made a spot for myself in the Neo-City.

For the occasion, I drew something. As a Club Penguin player, I always look forward to collecting a party hat with colors that reminded me of the previous year. So, when one wears it again, they can remember those times. For me, I'd have to dedicate my 1st anniversary party hat to something quite recent: the three colors I discovered that had 512 in the hex code. These three colors are the main colors of my three new slime monster idol OCs based off of the toxic slime monster species here. I've always wanted to make a proper band of idols, and I think this is something I can really work with!

And so, here's to another year, silly kitty! Happy anniversary to me!

Here's a hat for you, too!

Creative Clash~

8/3/23 4:56AM

August 19th, I'll be participating in Creative Clash! I know that ArtFight was happening, and I did try to participate, but I think I've left a mess for myself on my profile, as well as feeling well, uninvited there. I know that for most users on AF, they would love nothing more than art of their OCs, no matter who made it for them. I feel the same way! But as the years of my participation drag on, I feel less enthused to play along. It's even worse that I have to use an entirely new username to keep the especially rabid auditors from banning me in the first place. I used to find a thrill in "pretending" but now I'm just tired. I wanna be myself.

Alright, rant over.

I updated my character hub. Mostly. At least the main post! I'm working on new characters to add. I hope by the time the Clash starts I'll have 10 characters on my hub! Wish me luck~

xCCx Character Hub here.

Today's rec

By request of the person I rec'd here, I'm deleting it! In its place I'll link a cute picture.

Got It

7/14/23 8:43AM

Did you know I found a way to put the number 512 into hex codes to make some nice colors? The 512 doesn't affect the color as much as you think, but the fact it has that 512 in there makes it feel all special and stuff~

This is #5120ff, an indigo-ish color!

This is #ff512e, a red that isn't pure red, but has all the razzle-dazzle~

This is #eff512, a dandelion yellow!

One can exchange the "0" and "e" for most anything. Except for the "e" in the yellow color, it would take make it green! So the hex codes are more like #512[x]ff, #ff512[x], and #eff512. Just another chance to inject myself into everything. huh?

Today's rec

I don't have a neocities site to rec per se, but I have Photopea. Do you hate Adobe, but still want Photoshop? This is the best bet for functionality and results that look closest to Photoshop work. Well, in my experience, that is. Here is one of my photoshop works vs a photopea work:

Literally no difference (kidding!~ the difference is that the Photopea app does not have impact font! It's a fake!!)

More Work~

7/9/23 8:48AM

Allow me to continue building my footing in my road to neocities fame! (You like my confidence?)

So I gave in and tried to delete my cache. I've always been worried about doing this because I hate logging into websites again! It's not "remembering passwords is hard" per se, but more like "which email did I use here," or even my favorite type, "forgot my username"! But luckily user experience has evolved (let's give it up for my major! Still haven't used my degree at all!), and I can easily delete the cache without deleting login info. Did you know I had one whole gigabyte of cache data? Yeah, I'm that stubborn.

First order of business is fixing all link errors! Don't worry about the specifics, that's why I'm here ;3

Today's rec

I like a ton! Just a page that you can go to and listen to music. Most of the music is good, too. Please go there and enjoy it!

Today is a good day

7/7/23 4:03PM

I really want to move to the neo-city (hehe) but my only roadblock was having trouble getting my website put together. Even now my previews are not matching what I see when I load my page. So, what? I'll wait it out I guess. at least! I know it works! This frustrating fact is what led me to use someone's template instead of coding it myself.

So, thank you teppyslayouts. This is helping me a ton.

It's a crime how tired I am already! Well, to me it's past my maybe I should just sleep now.